Application Portal

This is a pre-registration page. You will be able to complete your form after payment confirmation except payment is done via the Web. Provide valid email address on which subsequent instructions are sent and should there be any difficulty please call the phone number on the footer.
Payment Via
Login/Payment/Contact Info
Username *
Min of 6 xters or Max of 10xters.
Password *
Min of 3 xters or Max of 10xters.
TellerNo /E-Pay ID/TransID
This must be unique. Append Bank Name to teller# e.g FB209020
Bank Name
Name on Teller(Student Full Name, Surname First) *
Surname before other name(s)
Date of Payment *
Amount Paid *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Valid Email Address is required as confirmation will be sent to this address.
Parent/Guardian MobileNo *
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        Phone/Mobile Contact: 08034667652 | Email Address: